Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Virginia Beach pics

well, here are the few pics i did get when we went to virginia (thanks Sarah)


Friday, May 30, 2008

Trenton Thunder Most Improved Student Award

video of de'von on the field

De'von walking off the field

Sunday, April 27, 2008

De'von's 8th Birthday In Pictures (and video)

Some video from Chucky Cheese

GREAT video of Faith Dancing!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

A little more about what i do....

What i MAINLY do in my job, is draw out building layouts in photoshop. i have a autocad file with their layout with alot of detail in it, and i have to use that to create a "plain" layout. for example, here is one i'm doing for a hotel in NYC (i don't want to say the name of the hotel, cuz i'm not sure if that would be legal since i'm showing one of the floor layouts....)

The actual drawing i did is much bigger.. but you get the idea. this building i'm working on has more then 30 floors. i believe this is the 9th floor....don't remember.

anyway, i do that for their website. for each job, they will include the duct and air system pictures into my drawing, so the client will click on the room, and see what is installed their. it's pretty cool.

I also do some autocad work, but so far it's really only been printing things from autocad.

my first week went GREAT!! So far i LOVE this job. i have to dress casual, but friday's are dressdown day. And every Friday they buy lunch for everyone. And the people that work there are the nicest ive EVER worked with. they are all so close with each other, and joke around alot, making the enviroment extremely enjoyable.

On Monday we have a company meeting at a restaraunt in Dayton. the only thing that sucks about that, is that i have to be there buy 6:45 AM!!!! THAT will be hard to wake up so early to get there on time. But at least i'm getting paid for eating breakfast (FREE breakfast, lol).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quick Update

Ive been too exausted to post an update, but i'll do a quick one.
I LOVE my new job. today was my 3rd day. I'm being kept VERY busy, but so far i enjoy it. The people are friendly, and it's a nice atmosphere.
I explain more about what i do some other time, not much in the mood to now.

rich DID go for his interview, and they were very interested in him, but it would be a huge paycut for him, so he chose not to. So, he's stuck at Inframap for now.

De'von had his 1st Baseball game yesterday, and did AWESOME. he DEFINETLY hit the best hit of the entire game (i'm not lying, ask dad)
I got a few pics, and i took video of him up to bat, but the camera died RIGHT when he hit the ball :-(
and unfortunately i need to buy batteries so i can't upload any of that now.

anyway, off to do some housework. thats all folks!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A gift for me :-)

Richard took Richie to Walmart yesterday to get some diapers and wipes, and Richie told "daddy" that he wants to buy me a present. He said he wants to buy me a teddy bear. He picked it out all by himself. how sweet is this?

And when you push her paw, she lights up :-)

Tomorrow's the big day......nervous, excited and scared all at once. i hope it goes well!!!

ALSO, rich has an interview for a job on Tuesday, so wish him luck too!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Something you don't see very often....

(with the exception of a few stains on rug, and walls ;-)

Only 3 more days until I start my new job.....but am i nervous? HELL YEAH!! ;-)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Family and friends can be so cruel sometimes.....

Have you ever had someone send you one of those forward emails, that seem innocent enough, and have you watch the screen intensly, thinking your going to be seeing something real cool and interesting, but instead a scary face suddenly pops up and scares the Sh** out of you??

this poor poor little girl.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Job of Horrors

So, i'm going to be VERY broke the next couple weeks. turns out i used more vacation/sick time then ive earned for the year (because of me and the kids being sick, didnt even get to use for a real vacation :-( )

Because of this, my next paycheck, they will be taking out 50 HOURS out of my pay >:-(

I tried talking to corporate office, asking if there was any exceptiong that could be made, i dunno, maybe that ive been here for 7 years, worked my ass off, NEVER got any bonus', AND i gave the proper 2 weeks notice when i COULD have just left them high and dry (most of the field guys don't give notice).

So pretty much that means, all of the work i am doing this week, I AM DOING FOR FREE!!!! needless to say, i havent been giving it my "all" the past couple days. Why should I?

Yeah, it's "company policy" but damn if they havent turned their heads for other situations and other employees. I've given this company so much. not anymore. nope!

1 week and 2 days left AND COUNTING!!!!

Easter 2008 Pictures

Here are some pictures i took from Easter (Notice how I took pictures of Cheryl's kids??? ;-p )


HMMMM, I don't seem to have one of James :-(