Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Job of Horrors

So, i'm going to be VERY broke the next couple weeks. turns out i used more vacation/sick time then ive earned for the year (because of me and the kids being sick, didnt even get to use for a real vacation :-( )

Because of this, my next paycheck, they will be taking out 50 HOURS out of my pay >:-(

I tried talking to corporate office, asking if there was any exceptiong that could be made, i dunno, maybe that ive been here for 7 years, worked my ass off, NEVER got any bonus', AND i gave the proper 2 weeks notice when i COULD have just left them high and dry (most of the field guys don't give notice).

So pretty much that means, all of the work i am doing this week, I AM DOING FOR FREE!!!! needless to say, i havent been giving it my "all" the past couple days. Why should I?

Yeah, it's "company policy" but damn if they havent turned their heads for other situations and other employees. I've given this company so much. not anymore. nope!

1 week and 2 days left AND COUNTING!!!!


StacyBlake said...

Don't work at all. Just stay on Myspace all day. Makes sense to me!!

Anonymous said...

That really stinks lisa 50 hours ugh! But at least you get to leave soon. I need a new fab job too :)

The Rox Star said...

I agree that it's a crappy situation. I think that you should just hang out all day and not really do much, leave projects incomplete and take extra long luches (assuming you don't punch in or out).

PMH said...

Sorry to hear that they are treating you that way. But at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Oh yeah...and what do you mean sending me that email?? I DO post on your blog every time you make a post!!

Lisah0822 said...

yay! thanks for posting guys, lol.
mom, actually, i didnt mean to include you in the email, sorry.
Roxie, nope, no punching in and out. :-)

HI SAM!!! miss ya!

Dad said...

I actually have a much different take on this, but the only thought I'd like to put out here is work your a_ _ off for the next week and a half. You never know when you might need a good reference.
Nothing good can come out of doing nothing.

Lisah0822 said...

dad, i'm not worried about the references. i've got our boss that left as a reference if need be. i wouldnt use the "other" guy anyway.
and honestly, i'm not working my a$$ of if i'm not even getting paid for it. i see your pov, but this company has only put me through hell. the only positive that came out of this company, it the experience i got from it. and that is because of the of the great ppl i worked with, that eventually left due to the corruption in this company.

Cheryl said...

but you WERE paid for it. You took an "advance" on your vacation days. So I don't see why you think it's fair that you have to work. I mean I understand you thinking that you aren't getting paid.. but all those days off, you didn't HAVE days off.. so you were basically taking unpaid leave. You shouldn't have gotten paid for the days that you took off, but they paid you anyway with the thought of you staying there to earn then for the year.

Anyhow, it's almost over. :)