Monday, March 24, 2008

Message for my mother

mom, i wanted to compile this into one video, but unfortunately, your camera creates .mov movie files, and i can't use them in windows movie maker (i don't know any other program yet). not that .mov files are a BAD thing, they are much better quality then most others.....

ANYWAY.... click each video for a personal message for you :-)
(fyi, i have them on photobucket because it took WAY to long to load them into a blog video)

ok, weird, embedding them isnt working :-(

so, here are the links to each video


PMH said...

Thank you Lisa, that was very nice...but how come Karen got Luke and Shelbi on her videos? And boy...Richie said something to Karen but not to me.

Love you all.

Lisah0822 said...

sorry, didnt think you'd want shelbi. and luke, well...uhhh, oops, no excuse there :-(
richie didnt say anything to karen....he said more to you. at least he said "nothing" to you, for karen he just shook his head, lol. Richie was copying chris when i asked him to say something to you. what can u say, little kids are boogers, lol

PMH said...

No, you're a booger!